In time of difficulty, it is the best time to preach the gospel
The scene of a believer praying at a rally at the mission site. Not related to specific facts

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I visited T country. T was in a very sensitive position as it is set to hold a presidential election next year. The church was so atrophied that the telephone, the Internet, and the gatherings were heavily controlled. Recently, a young child went to church to find his mother, who was worshipping at a church, and have been fined a lot. This is because T is not legally possible to provide religious education to minors. The government even tracked down believers who went abroad for education or training and fined them.

We planned to hold a gospel camp there this fall. There are also worries about the danger of having such a camp at a time like this. But I rely on the word “Even though the land is forested and they have iron chariots, its farthest limits will be yours. (Joshua 17:18). Although the situation in the land is not good and makes me scary, I believe God will fulfill his word of promise if I rely on and obey the word.

But on the other hand, it’s the perfect time for churches to preach the gospel. In fact, when I preached, I was able to find the souls that responded to the gospel more easily than ever before.

Only Jesus Christ to satisfy our souls

I met a woman called Scott, who I’ve talked to before. When I first met her, she was a polio disorder and was working as a cleaner in a college. One day, after a painful life with an alcoholic husband, she got divorced when her husband under the influence of alcohol said ‘talaq (divorce)’ three times. Talaq is Islamic expression that means divorce.

It is a tradition here that a divorce must be made when the word ‘talaq’ is spoken. But if the husband wants to bring his wife back, she must marry another man and be divorced again. So sometimes men purposely send his wife to a Muslim priest and bring her back.

Scott, who was divorced by his husband, divided the house in half and lived separately from his husband. One day the husband brought a young girl from the country and lived in the house. Then the husband died of alcohol, and the new wife and the two children born there were still living with Scott.

Scott had two daughters, both of whom had been divorced and returned home. Scott was unable to walk properly recently because of leg and waist problem. And the day when I went to see her, she was doing an Islamic prayer (namoz).

I used to talk to her several times about the gospel, but again I preached to her the gospel and told her the story of the Samaritan woman. By telling her the story that Jesus Christ went to Samaria because of a crying woman, II addressed that only Jesus Christ could satisfy our souls.

For this time, she said she would trust the Lord in a determined manner. Scott and his family are in dire need of prayer to believe the word of God and to be saved. God is reviving here!

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