Praise with passion, and popular songs with enthusiasm, I look at myself incidentally…
Illustrat = Lee Ye Won

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What kind of thinking will teenagers experience when they learn about the Christian worldview?

The following is a summary of the presentations that the students of the Christian school, “The school.Hebron” have learned about various Christian values such as politics, economy, society and culture. <Editor>

I wondered what the true praise to be given to God and what kind of attitude to stand in front of God, when I heard the popular music that I heard every time I passed the streets and the praise that made me lyrical and emotional.

The dictionary meaning of music is the art that expresses thoughts and emotions by combining rhythm, melody, harmony, and tone in a certain rule and form with the sound and noise of the area that human beings can hear.

Among the various genre, POP is a short cut for popular and so many popular songs are so much favorite among the public. Especially pop songs are made to attract public attention, so the culture and perspectives of the generation are reflected.

According to statistics on the lyrics of hip-hop music, 26% of the lyrics about self-confidence, 15% of sexual fantasy, and 15% of the desire for money and wealth were collected. Through interesting rhythms and melodies, the general public naturally accepts these thoughts without knowing themselves. In addition, a leader of an idol group, which is popular, tells the public to find their own stories and voices. It sounds like good words, but it is completely contrary to the Lord’s words to deny me and to carry the cross by myself. The world culture and thoughts that make you pursue your own love are distant from God’s heart.

The purpose of the music is to share the limbs and to joy and to respect the Lord.

CCM (Contemporary Christian Music), a Christian musician that began to take place in the United States in the 1960s and has spread worldwide since the 1970s, is a genre of modern popular music that directly or indirectly contains Christian beliefs in lyrics.

Many people are confused, but it is popular music with religious messages rather than worship music. So CCM, which many musicians announce as praise, is hard to call in worshiping God. The genre of ‘DJing Warship’ with electronic sound is actually no different from the world club music.


Then what was the purpose of the original music? “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,” (Ephesians 5:19). The words that the body responds each other with poetry, hymns and spiritual songs mean ‘sharing hearts’. It is the purpose of music to sing the Lord, to share the joy between the body and raise the Lord.

I was enthusiastically praising God and also singing popular songs enthusiastically as well. Praising God is impudent, but I was disappointed to see myself who was excited in the popular songs. At that time God reminded me of the first song of mankind, and the murderer of the sinner, Lamech, and in Revelation all nations reminded me to praise God.

[REVELATION 7:9-10] 9/After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10/And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

My eyes remained in the sins of the world, but God’s conclusion was that all the people praise the Lord on the day when the Lord comes back again.

Can you believe this? We want to see what we truly praise for God’s glory. How long will you die or live for the value of the world? Let’s run for the glory of the Day.   [Gospel Prayer Newspaper]

Bae Sung Jin, Missionary

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