▶ Shams, the mountain of the Sun in Oman

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Shams is the highest mountain, which is 3009m above the sea level in Eastern Arabia. It is called the mountain of the Sun because the sunlight touches it the first and lasts longer over it than over any other place. There are a tons of rocks along the way to the top of this mountain.

Long times ago, Abraham, the forefather of faith, climbed up mountain Moriah with his beloved son, Isaac, who Abraham got after a very long waiting of promise. God, however, wanted him to sacrifice this precious son. Abraham recalled God who had visited, forgiven and loved him whenever he failed in his faith until he got his son, Isaac. Isaac asked, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

Abraham, a father, believed that God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which doesn’t exist, Himself is the true nature of covenant. God, who prepared a ram caught in the thicket by horns and was worshiped on mount Moriah, now had become Isaac’s God as well.

Are you afflicted in every way? Are you crushed and destroyed? Are you lonely and don’t you have any power to rise with again? Go to the mountain right away!


“Abraham said, ‘God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.’ So the two of them walked on together.”(Genesis 22:8 – NASB)

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